Central Elementary School
33 Cleveland Street, Orange NJ 07050
- Central Elementary School
- Meet Mrs. Stevens
Stevens, T. - Kindergarten
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Degrees and Certifications:
Mrs. Tara Stevens
Welcome to Kindergarten! I'm very excited to be your teacher this year. I look forward to getting to know all of you, and I thought you might like to get to know a little bit about me.
I married my husband, Mr. Stevens, in 2006. We first expanded our family with a dog that we named Noodles (you will hear me talk about her and all of my family members a lot!). We now have another dog named Wooly. A few years later, our daughter Cora was born. She is now an active, smart, funny 10th grader. She loves to read, practice her mental math skills, make friendships bracelets, play games, and swim at the lake. She is now a lifeguard at our local pool. A few years later, we welcomed a little boy, Billy. He is 11 years old and loves to play on his tablet, read Dogman books, swim at the lake, and play with his wrestling figures. He is in 6th grade this year! I love to tell my students lots of tales of things I do with my family, so be ready to hear all about them!
I have been working at Central School since 2001. It merged with Main Street School and for many years we were Rosa Parks Community School. Now, we are once again Central Elementary School, only this time we are specifically grades K-2! It has been, and continues to be, a pleasure to spend my entire teaching career in Orange. I taught 3rd and 4th grades before moving to Kindergarten in 2010.