• "Self reflection, analysis, practice and feedback are essential steps to mastery."

    Teaching mastery has several important benefits to students. Students who master material in a lesson can more easily learn new material. The skills and concepts students acquire provide a very strong foundation for learning new skills and concepts. Students' self-esteem increases when they master material presented to them. They are confident that they will be able to learn new material. They know they are successful. They look forward to going to school, participating in groups and doing their assignments.

    Image result for teacher channel


    Teaching Channel has resources to support your learning at every phase.

    Gear up for Back to School


    Teacher Vision



    Use the resources below to guide you in the areas you need to consider most at the beginning of the year: Classroom SetupLesson and Unit PlanningClass Culture, and Self-Care.

    Elementary (K-5)

    Middle School (6-8)

    Mid-Year Check-In

    End of Year Reflection - think about how your year went in the key areas of Classroom Setup, Lesson and Unit Planning, Class Culture, and Self-Care.


    Gordon Education Initiative

    Take the Stage ia a collection of free videos for elementary students to learn academics through interactive arts activities. It uses the power of the visual and performing arts to improve the learning impact of educational curriculum. Content is available in both Spanish and English. Each of these educational videos comes with a teacher guide, student worksheet, and is aligned with the New Jersey Student Learning Standards.



    Language Arts

    Prepositions (English / Spanish)

    Identifying Evidence to Support Conclusion (English / Spanish)

    Writing Expository/Opinion Essays (English / Spanish)


    Social Studies

    George Washington, Eleanor Roosevelt, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Dolores Huerta  (English / Spanish)



    Solid, Liquid, Gas (English / Spanish)

    Structure and Function of Living Organisms (English / Spanish)



    Fractions (English)