• Forest Street Community School

    Professional Development Plan 

    Professional Development Plan 2021-2022


    School-Level Professional Development Planning Requirements

    N.J.A.C. 6A: 9-15.5

    As of July 1, 2013, New Jersey professional development regulations have been revised to reflect the recommendations of the Governor’s 2012 Education Transformation Task Force Report and the requirements of the TEACHNJ Act. These requirements apply to all district boards of education, charter schools, and nonpublic schools who choose to follow state requirements and whose staff members hold positions that require the possession of instructional, education services and administrator certificates.


    Most of the school-level planning requirements remain the same; however, the new regulations:

    • Eliminate the requirement for a School Professional Development Committee (SPDC); and

    • Assign primary responsibility for PD planning to the school principal, who has flexibility to organize the planning process but should at minimum consult with the School Improvement Panel (ScIP).

    o A key role of the ScIP is to identify PD opportunities and review school-level educator and student performance data in support of school-level PD planning (N.J.A.C. 6A:10-3.2).

    o The principal must ensure all teachers receive the necessary opportunities and resources to complete their PD requirements; the school plan is one vehicle for organizing teacher support.