• To the Parents/ Families.

    Welcome everyone. I am Mrs. Springer and I will be serving as your child's Inclusion Teacher in Kindergarten. I am looking forward to getting to know you and your child. As parents/ families, I understand that you are the most important teacher in your child's life and it is with that understanding, I do appreciate this partnership that we must maintain to help your child achieve ALL the goals set forth for him or her.
    I will be teaching your child English Language Arts, Math, Science and Social Studies. I have a love for all subjects but it is my professional goal to instill a lifelong passion for Reading and Writing in all my students. I want this to be an enjoyable, productive, challenging and encouraging school year for all my students.
    Our Open House is on Monday September 9, 2024 from 6 pm to 8 pm. See you there!!!!
    Should you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at springpr@orange.k12.nj.us or 973 677 4120. Communication is a huge part of your child's success. You are free to schedule a conference anytime.
    Once again, welcome to Kindergarten. I look forward to working in partnership with you throughout the school year. I am confident that together we can provide the support and encouragement needed to help your child excel. I know, together, we can make this a wonderful year!!!  
    Mrs P. Springer.
    School Year 2024-2025.