• Supply List

    Supply List


    Below we have listed the supplies your child will need for Kindergarten. These supplies will be kept in the classroom and will be used throughout the year. The following supplies are due the first full week of school.

    1 Kindergarten size backpack (bigger than 12x9) *No backpacks with wheels.
    3 boxes of facial tissues

    1 box of crayons (8 count or more)
    One 4-pack of Play-Doh
    2 containers of Wet Ones hand wipes (not baby wipes)
    2 packs of Elmer’s Glue sticks
    (6 or 8 to a pack)
    2 pocket folders (plastic)
    2 containers of Clorox wipes
    2 rolls of paper towels
    2 bottles of hand sanitizer
    1 Headphones *No earbuds, Bluetooth or wireless*

    White or light blue button/polo/golf shirts with collar

    Slacks, dress, skirt, jumper, or uniform shorts- All Navy Blue

    Sneakers/shoes—laced and tied. No flip-flops or wheelies.

    Phys. Ed.: gray/blue sweats, uniform shorts with white or gray shirts

    CHANGE OF CLOTHES: Also, every child is required to have a change of clothes to keep in school. Clothing should all be labeled and sent in a small, plastic box (or shoebox). The box of clothing will be kept in their locker & used for bathroom/messy emergencies.
    Be sure to include the following:
    socks, underwear, pants, top, and undershirt.

    ** Please label all removable clothing items with your child’s name (sweaters, coats, jackets, gloves, etc). Be sure to use a permanent marker to do so. **

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