Central Elementary School
33 Cleveland Street, Orange NJ 07050
- Central Elementary School
- Summer Art Ideas/Trips
Art Websites, Links, Museums for the Summer
Need some art ideas/plans for the summer? Check the links below to make an art-filled summer!!
Art for Hub Kids - Tons of easy how-to draw videos, kids love this channel!
https://artforkidshub.com/how-to-draw/ (Also found on YouTube!)
Art studios around Orange, NJ - There are many art studios in Essex County that offer art classes for kids and adults, and even art birthday parties. Support local artists and art studios!
Express Yourself Studios, Maplewood NJ - https://www.expressyourselfstudiosllc.com/
Oh! Canary, South Orange NJ - https://www.ohcanary.com/
Fire Me Up Studio, Cranford NJ - https://www.firemeupstudio.com/
Art Museums in NJ and NYC - Popular museums in NJ and NYC, perfect for a day trip!
New Jersey museums:
Newark Museum - https://newarkmuseumart.org/
Montclair Art Museum - https://www.montclairartmuseum.org/
New York City museums:
MET (Metropolitan Museum of Art) - https://www.metmuseum.org/
MOMA (Museum of Modern Art) - https://www.moma.org/
Brooklyn Museum of Art - https://www.brooklynmuseum.org/