Central Elementary School
33 Cleveland Street, Orange NJ 07050
- Central Elementary School
- Harrassment Intimidation and Bullying Policy
Central Elementary School
Harassment Intimidation & Bullying Policy
Orange District Anti-Bullying SpecialistFrank Tafur, Supervisor of Guidance973-677-4000 EXT 5006Central Anti-Bullying SpecialistMrs. Carol Daly, School Guidance Counselor973-677-4110 EXT. 1212HIB Score Report 2021-2022(Refer to Rosa Parks Elementary School)Keeping Our Kids Safe, Healthy & In School
New Jersey has been a leader in the establishment of a strong statutory, regulatory policy and program framework to support the prevention, remediation and reporting of HIB in schools. Provided below are information and resources to aid schools in the establishment of HIB policies, the adoption of HIB program strategies, the implementation of proactive responses to HIB and the adoption of effective HIB reporting procedures.