This is an important message from the Superintendent of Schools regarding Norovirus. Norovirus is the most common virus that causes gastroenteritis. These viruses are easily transmitted through food.
This compact communicates the roles each member of our school community agrees to fulfill for the 2024-2025 school year to ensure the academic success of your child(ren).
Scholars Academy is a Title 1 school. As such, Title 1, Part A regulations that each school served under Title 1, Part A jointly develop with and distribute to parents of participating children, a written involvement policy..
The PDP for Preschool for Scholars Academy provides goals and plan of action to obtain these goals for the 2024-2025 school year in alignment with the district's strategic plan and the Annual School Plan (ASP) for Preschool.
Applications for the 2025-2026 school year are now being accepted from Dec. 2, 2024 until Jan. 10, 2025. No late applications can be accepted. Click on the link below for the application.
Current students, forms must be completed prior to students starting the program, especially the bus form for new students. Acceptable Use Policies must be completed for all GT students.