Scholars Academy
268 Capuchin Way, Orange, NJ 07050
- Scholars Academy
- Flippity (Great Study Tool for Students!)
Cruz, Neurones - Technology Coordinator
Page Navigation
- Introduction
- Plagerism Policy
- Discovery Education
- FlipGrid
- Google Apps for Education
- Google Form Escape Room
- Technology Pedagogy Resources
- Screencastify
- Ozobots
- Pear Deck
- Flippity (Great Study Tool for Students!)
- Snap&Read
- SpellingCity
- Microsoft in Education
- Virtual and Augmented Reality Resources
- ISTE Standards
- How to Add Virtual Backgrounds to a Google Meeting
What is Flippity?
Flippity is an add-on feature in google sheets that has the capability of turning google sheets into online flashcards or a quiz game show. Words in this program can be read to you in any language. Additionally, students can use Flippity to create study tools for upcoming quizzes or tests.
Visit the Link below to learn more: