• Priority 3

    Campus Life: Formal and Informal Settings

    Beyond the typical school day, week, or year, STEM Academy students are involved in apprenticeships, mentoring, social networking and doing STEM in locations off of the school site, in the community, museums and STEM centers, and business and industry.



    • Provide every student with unique, possibly credit-bearing learning opportunities outside of the classroom (summer, yearlong, during breaks).


    • Expand opportunities to promote collaboration and connect knowledge acquired in the classroom to applied research problems.


    • Cultivate a courteous and welcoming campus climate. This will enhance student satisfaction and success.


    • Develop a service-focused message for all faculty and staff.


    • Pair STEM Academy students with Scholars students during Advisory periods to assist in the SmartLab.


    • Facilitate sustainable and supported Academy events and experiences such as interest clubs, and academically oriented teams, such as debating and robotics, that will engage the entire Academy community and enhance campus life.



    • Planning Committee to look into membership with ITEEA: https://www.iteea.org
    • Coordinate with the STEM Supervisor to explore summer opportunities and internships that includes all STEM students at OHS, STEM, CIAO, OPA , HEY,  RPCS
    • Establish a small committee of the committed (5-6) to assist with screening and promoting summer opportunities (Pettit, Stewart, Alcantara, Teachers, OHS, etc.)
    • Introduction of Student Interest Clubs -- Examples based upon Interest Surveys include:
    1. Basketball 
    2. Art & Digital Design
    3. Culinary
    4. Soccer
    5. Dance
    6. Running
    7. Volleyball
    8. Videogame/Game Development
    9. Creative Writing (part of the writing center)