• STEM Innovation Academy School Nurse,

     Chizoma Uwakwe BSN,RN,MSN,CSN,NJ.


    Phone: 973-677-4000 ext 32750

    Office Hours: 8:30AM-1:00PM; 2:00PM-4:00PM


    Hello and welcome STEM Innovation Academy, families and staff.

    I am excited for another school year, 2023-2024.

    As the school nurse, I desire to continue to take care of the health

    of the students and staff in the school setting.

    School year 2023-2024 requirements for all grades(9-12).

    A. New physical from the doctor's office 

    B. Vaccine up-to-date Information.

    C. Emergency Medications,Action plans for Asthma,Food Allergies,

         Diabetes, seizures etc should be sent to the nurse.

    Note: Students not up to date in all required immunizations will be excluded from school.


