American Experiences Honors (10 credits)

    Prerequisites: STEM Academy Acceptance

    The American Experiences course takes an interdisciplinary approach to the study of the role of history, geography, culture, social movements, political institutions, political philosophy, economic systems, etc. through the examination of historical contexts (namely the historical development of the United States, 1585 - 1877). Through these experiences, students will explore how Americans create meaning in their lives and make sense of the world in which they live.  This integrated approach to the literary, political, social, and economic patterns of our past and present develops in the students the capacity to work critically, independently, and collaboratively. Students use literary interpretation, analysis, comparisons, and evaluations to read and respond to representative works of historical and cultural significance appropriate for grade 9.  This course is truly interdisciplinary in that students are enriched by an analysis of the American experience from the perspective of both literature and history.

    Students grow in their knowledge of the fundamentals of two disciplines as they develop a sophisticated and critical understanding of American history and culture and also learn how to use written language in effective and powerful ways. The strength of the Honors course of study lies in the extensions of research and tasks related to the analysis of substantive texts and includes real life projects incorporated into each marking cycle.


    Political Studies Honors (10 credits)

    Prerequisites: STEM Academy Acceptance; American Experiences (10 credits)

    The Political Studies Course integrates the study of various political systems, both nationally and internationally.  It maintains a concentrated focus on the development of the state of the nation, political parties and use of power. Also discussed will be the importance of the use of power as an influential tool, and its impact on political figures throughout history and current world politics. Students use literary interpretation, analysis, comparisons, and evaluations to read and respond to representative works of historical and cultural significance appropriate for the grade.  This course is truly interdisciplinary in that students are enriched by an analysis of the Political experience from the perspective of both literature and history.

    Activities included are guest speakers from government, field trips to the Local Court House(s) as well as congresses on current hot topics issues.  Current political issues are rarely one-sided and the exploration of multiple points of view increases understanding and critical thinking. Students will produce and a present a digital portfolio tracking bias of the media concerning a specific hot topics or persons in present-day news.  The major focus will be on national issues and their impact locally. The strength of the Honors course of study lies in the extensions of research and tasks related to the analysis of substantive texts and includes real life projects incorporated into each marking cycle. This course satisfies the requirements for English II and U.S. History II.


    HUM 101 English Composition: Writing, Speaking, Thinking I (5 credits; 3 NJIT credits)

    Prerequisite: Successful completion of English I and II

    This 1/2-year, dual enrollment course (w/NJIT) focuses on developing advanced written and oral communication skills that students will use within and beyond college. Students will learn to communicate with a variety of audiences in a variety of settings: academic, professional, civic, and personal. At the conclusion of the course, students will be expected to demonstrate proficiency in six core competency areas: rhetorical knowledge; critical thinking, reading, and writing; composing process; knowledge of conventions; composing in electronic environments; and information literacy.


    HUM 102 English Composition: Writing, Speaking, Thinking II (5 credits; 3 NJIT credits)

    Prerequisite: Successful completion of English Composition: Writing, Speaking, Thinking I

    This 1/2-year dual enrollment course (w/NJIT) is an extension of HUM 101 and focuses on enhanced written and oral communication skills; emphasizes reading and interpretation of literary forms; critical analysis; methods of research using print and on-line sources; report writing and writing about literature.