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Career & Technical Education (CTE) MS Exploration Saturday Program

During the month of January,  7th and 8th grade students participated in the first session of our Career & Technical Education (CTE) Middle School Exploration Saturday program. Students rotated between Naval Jr ROTC, Health Sciences, Culinary Arts, and Entrepreneurship programs, engaging in hands-on learning experiences of various topics provided in each program's curriculum. All program activities were led and facilitated by current Orange High School CTE students under the supervision of our CTE instructors.  ROTC cadets provided an overview of our Naval Science program and engaged students in fundamental drill skills and training.  In Culinary Arts, CTE students reviewed elements of kitchen safety before engaging program participants in cooking a meal following various recipes provided to them.  In Entrepreneurship, students honed their presentation skills by developing a business concept, crafting their elevator pitches and delivering their pitch before an audience of their peers. In Health Science, members of our Health Occupations Student Association (HOSA) club and current Orange High School Health Science students taught students how to respond to emergencies, working directly with some of the equipment utilized in their classes.  This program is a great way to expose our middle school students to the variety of Career & Technical Education offerings at Orange High School.  The next session will be offered in April 2024 and will be open to current Orange Public School students in grades 7 and 8.