Orange Preparatory Academy of Inquiry and Innovation
400 Central Ave, Orange, NJ 07050
School News and Information
Weekly Update from the Superintendent of Schools 2024-2025 School Year
The Superintendent's Weekly Update continues district-wide for 2024-2025. This update will give the school community a sense of the district's direction in content pedagogy and practice, wellness, and programming. Please take a moment to read the update accordingly.
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Orange Preparatory Academy of I & I Professional Development Plan SY 24 -25
All schools in New Jersey are required to create an annual school-level PDP. For purposes of planning, the school PDP implementation year is considered to run from July 1 through June 30.
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Supply List for the 2024-2025 School Year
Please access the 2024-2025 School Supply list for students.
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The Orange Preparatory Academy of Inquiry and Innovation Uniform Policy
Welcome to Orange Preparatory Academy of Inquiry and Innovation. Our district believes that when students wear uniforms, there is an increased sense of community and pride in our school; therefore, the district has implemented a Uniform Policy for SY 2024-2025.
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Orange Public Schools Joins Verizon Innovative Learning
Orange Public Schools joins Verizon Innovative Learning, Verizon's award-winning education initiative, in partnership with Digital Promise. Orange High School, Oakwood Avenue Community School, and Orange Preparatory Academy of Inquiry and Innovation are among the 32 new schools joining the 10th cohort of Verizon Innovative Learning Schools for the 2023-2024 SY.
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OPAI&I Title I Parent Presentation
Please click here to access the presentation from our PTSO Meeting on October 9th, 2024.
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Orange Preparatory Academy of Inquiry and Innovation Strategic Plan
The Strategic Plan for the Orange Preparatory Academy of Inquiry & Innovation outlines academic and social support provided at the new Grade 8 school, allowing for a more cohesive and coordinated approach to education in one school building.
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For Parents - How to Support Your Child with Google Classroom
If you are unfamiliar with Google Classroom, the platform in which your child is receiving and posting assignments, please visit the link to view these helpful videos.
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Download the District APP
The new Orange Public Schools mobile app for both Apple and Android devices is ready for launch! We invite you to stay connected while you're on the go with this FREE mobile app that will bring you the latest news and information about our schools. Click on the title to view the flyer.
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