

    8th Grade Math Syllabus: Ms.Park Room 314  (CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD)

    Email(Checked Regularly):

    Website: For Information
    https://www.orange.k12.nj.us/Domain/459 (Staff Websites)


    Office Hours

    (Before school, During A Lunch, Afterschool by appointment only)



    Students should bring the following items to math class everyday:

    1. Text/Workbook materials
    2. Notebook (dedicated for math only)
    3. 2 Sharpened Pencils, Eraser (No pen)
    4. One 2-Pocket Math Folder for Worksheets
    5. Sharpener (optional)
    6. 6. Earbuds (optional)




    All assignments in math class are graded on a point system. Grades will be determined using the following weights: 25%-Test, 20%-Quizzes, 20%-Class Work, 25% Authentic Assessment(Projects, Performance Task, Portfolios, etc…) and 10% Homework. Each assignment grade is determined by the percent result of the student's total points earned divided by the number of total possible points. This will result in a percent that can then be assigned a grade:

    90-100% = A

    80-89% = B

    70-79% = C

    65-69% = D

    0%-64% = F



    1. Be on time, be prepared, and remain on task.
    2. Be respectful to each other and the teacher all the time
    3. Remain seated in your seat
    4. Raise your hand to speak
    5. Have a positive attitude :)




    1. Warning
    2. Time after class
    3. Phone calls will be made to parents as needed (positive and negative).
    4. Severe or repeated unacceptable behavior will be referred to the principal.



    Homework assignments are given to help students master and practice subject material. Daily homework assignments are an important part of a student's grade. All homework assignments are due at the beginning of a class period. All homework assignments are graded either for accuracy or completion.



    Late work will be accepted with points deducted. Ms. Park may change this rule at any time.


    Progress reports will be shown to all students about every two weeks. A progress report can be requested at any time by simply sending me an email or sending a note with your child. Student progress can also be accessed through parent portal.



    If a student is absent, it is the student’s responsibility to get all missed work and make it up in a reasonable amount of time that is agreed upon by the teacher and the student.


    Open-Up Illustrative Math
    Open-Up signature mathematical language routines (MLRs) offer detailed guidance for developing students into mathematical thinkers. The program facilitates and assesses students’ ability to communicate mathematical thinking verbally, visually, and in writing.  Every lesson plan contains topic-specific professional learning resources. Open-Up materials speak intelligently and professionally to educators, meeting teachers where they are in their practice and advancing them.  From below-benchmark to accelerated learners, the program provides content-specific resources within lessons, from warm up to cool down.  The program materials encourage student communication and the development of problem-solving and reasoning skills.  Authored by noted mathematician and standards author Bill McCallum of Illustrative Mathematics, Open-Up uses state standards as a foundation.  All curricula receive quality reviews against acclaimed alignment rubrics (IMET, EQuIP), conducted by leading experts.  For more information visit http://openupresources.org/math-curriculum/

    i-Ready Program
    i-Ready is an interactive online learning program designed to provide individualized instruction based on each child’s unique needs.  i-Ready starts with a test that determines every student’s academic skills in math.  This test is adaptive, which means that the level of difficulty will change as your child answers each question.  The results of the test will identify exactly where your child needs to develop, as well as where his or her strengths are.  i-Ready then provides students digital instruction that meets them where they are and it allows them to work independently on their own personalized online instruction plan. The lessons that are assigned are based on the results from the i-Ready Diagnostic test and teacher recommendation.  For more information visit http://i-readycentral.com/familycenter/